The path is more important than getting “there”.
Today I came to tell you that it is not the “there” that matters, the “there” matters as well, but more importantly is the way you do to get there. Do you have a goal? Do you have a goal? Do you have dreams? Do you have something to achieve? Make it worth the drive.
First of all, because if you do not make it worth the drive, it will suck. And sometimes it’s not even worth it when you get there. And second, that you need to celebrate the way, celebrate the way. I’ll give you an example.
It’s like you’re in a movie queue, and it’s a movie release the line is huge, and you were waiting to get in. Look, do not put the popcorn away when you come in! Go eat the popcorn. You’re making a joke, you’re laughing. Sit on the floor a little if your leg gets tired. But, make it worth every step.
Because you are going to celebrate along the way, and will blow up of celebration when you get there. You see, is that true? If you stand in line: “Oh my God, my leg, my spine, that huge queue, what the hell, what a boring thing, that …” Not worth it. You get there, and you’ve lost, I do not know, a huge part of the joy of what you needed to achieve.
Then go for me. Much more important, much more important than getting there, is the step by step. You have your goals make it worth every day that you wake up. Remember why you are doing it. And so you will bring joy to your actions from day to day. And, of course, life will be much lighter, will not it?