Accepting yourself is not saying “I am just like that.”

It is very nice to be with you, it is very good to receive your comments, it is very, very gratifying to know that I can help, that I am able to make differences in some lives. I know some people do not agree with what I say. And that’s fine. We do not have to agree with everything, but it’s so good when they can see something they were not seeing and put movement into life in their life. Because that is my desire.

I’ve lived a warm, motionless life, I know it’s possible. That’s why I insist and desire so much. And that’s why today I came to tell you that if you accept is not to say I’m like this. I am like that, people are not. If accepting is an act of love. When you say, “I am like that, I accept who I am.” You’re lovin ‘, disrespectful, that you’re just what. Do you think of creation, coming from creation, of this whole love you are anyway? No, it is not.

 You are full of life, full of energy, full of good things. Something may be happening that you can not see. you may have received messages that make you think otherwise, but definitely “anyway” you are not. You’re so much more than you can see now, believe it. To accept is to look at what you do not like, for what you think is bad, because we have already spoken in other videos, and say, “Okay, this is here.Not to deny or try to massacre that inside you. Because that’s the trend, if I do not want to be angry, I pretend I do not have it. If the anger comes, I say, “Stay! I’m not angry, I’m not going to think about it, I’m not going to talk about it! “I deny that feeling is the opposite of accepting acceptance is recognizing the feeling, accepting that feeling is there and changing.

 You can only change what you see, if you deny a feeling, you can not change. From the moment you look and accept you can begin a process of change. It’s beautiful and it’s real. So the moment you look at something you do not like, you’re going to say, “Alright, it’s here.” Denying this will only get worse right? What can I do to change? What can I look at that I consider to be good that will generate movement in my life? This is how you begin this trajectory. In the movement, in that choice, in that decision to be happy. Deciding to be happy is much more than saying, “I want to be happy.” It has to have movement, action, attitude.

 You have to look at yourself with dignity, without apology, for the good you bring in there. You do not have to apologize, be modest for the good things you bring in there. They exist. So, you need to take on these good things. To deny bad things is completely different than to assume good things. You need to accept the bad things, acknowledge that they exist, and focus and assume, and give strength, and give attention, and nurture and nourish what you have good. Why have. You know that too. If you said, “Wow, I suck, I do not have any good.” You think like this: “I’m watching this video, I’m trying to find myself, I’m trying to help myself, and that’s all good.

 It is a clearer look, which may even be blurred by the messages of life and the difficult times, but believe me, you deserve much more. Look, leaving below the link for the course. Let’s share this video. Take a look at the course. Perhaps other people might also find, “How to say no, stand and set limits.” Begin to generate a movement also of a more loving authority in people’s lives. To learn this “no” is to learn to respect oneself, and the other to learn to respect people.