When Hope Can Destroy You
We’re going to talk about hope today. Hope is the last to die, the hopeful die before. How horrible. That phrase is awful, but it will make sense here in what we are going to talk about. Hope is the most beautiful thing there is. Hope is something wonderful, it moves us, it sustains us, it keeps us many times. What you need to understand is when hope keeps you in a bad place, harmful as an excuse not to leave the place. When it happens? When your partner or partner leaves, and you stay in the trio of hope that you can change, that you can return, that you can …
People, power can, in some cases, can even. Just waiting, this will destroy you and you need to understand. Can the other come back? You can. And you waiting will change that? No. Understand this. So go live your life. Why the other may not come back? You can. And will you wait for his return? That’s what I came to tell you today. What I’m saying to you today is not easy. What I’m saying to you today sucks, sucks, you know? It hurts like hell.
Because as long as you delude yourself and stay there, “no, he can come back, he can come back,” you are throwing energy into it and your life does not walk, it stands still, stagnant. Ever seen standing water? How much a bug, how much mud, how much disease … This is how your life turns, when you decide to wait and hold on to that hope. Go live your life as if you would not go back. This is how you have to do it. If she has to come back, she’s coming back.
It could be that she comes back to you and wants no more. Go live your life. If I once gave good advice here, “advice” does not like that word. If I ever said anything good here, that’s it, “go live your life”. Focus on your life learn to live alone again, conquer, regain, recreate, recharge, do not wait for the other, do not nurture this hope. Go live your life.