Watch for signs early in the relationship.

Who asked for this theme was Fatima. Fátima is a client of mine, very dear, she does not live here in Brazil, but since the services are online, I answer, and she asked me to talk about the messages that we receive at the beginning of the relationship, before even this relationship has a root, even before this relationship begins, and how often we pretend that you are not seeing that, that you are there in love, so even the wart that is in the middle of the person’s nose is the most beautiful thing in the world. It’s just like that, but you get it.

 It is very interesting that you often have the opportunity to observe how that person who is initiating a relationship with you relates to her family, for example, how she relates to her family is the mirror, the how it relates to old people in her life, or even to nature itself, or even to animals, or even … are signs that say who that person is. Oh why, is she being fake?

 No, she’s not being fake, she’s in the same vibe as you, the moment the relationship starts she thinks you’re the most wonderful person in the world, so she’s super happy, she’s treating a king or a queen, and what will happen when it becomes more solid and this passion does not have a gift, what is left over there? The real person, without all that charm, and often is a wonderful person, so it is not that she has to have bad things, she will have normal things, but it is that you can be attentive, attentive to the signs, attentive to a moment when she loses her patience, aware of a moment when she … sometimes, even at the beginning she is aggressive you imagine, if at first, full of that love, that passion she is selfish, aggressive how will be the progress.

 This is your responsibility, I do not want to ruin your passion, no, because I can bet there are a lot of good people out there, wonderful people out there, you’re starting a relationship you’re only going to see good messages, be sure to see the messages, because after this creates root, which is so difficult to prune, is not it? So just stay tuned, okay, my love?